Super Food: Onions

Super Food: Onions

Rich in sulphur-containing compounds and flavonoids, onions are great for the heart, bones and connective tissue.

We may dread having onion breath, but the sulphur-containing compounds that give onions their conspicuous odour are important for innumerable bodily functions including heart health, muscle function and insulin production. Onions are credited with being able to inhibit artery hardening and tumour growth, boost the immune system, and protect the cardiovascular system. Rich in the flavonoid quercetin (a natural anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory), onions can help reduce the symptoms of arthritis, allergies and other conditions, and lower the risk of cancer and heart disease.

It’s important to note that onions deliver a wider variety of beneficial sulphur compounds when they are served cooked. However, cooking them for more than 30 minutes will destroy most of these health-giving compounds. They’re tasty additions to quick pasta sauces or curries (sauté them along with garlic and other vegetables before you add the liquid ingredients), stir-fries and omelettes. Caramelise them with a little oil then add them to salads, pizzas or sandwiches. Grill or roast them and serve them with steak, pork chops or roasted chicken. They’re also delicious in quiches and gratins.

Organic onions are available at SuperNature Forum and through our eShop.