Rainbow Carrots

Rainbow Carrots

Incorporate a rainbow of carrots - red, yellow, purple and white - into your daily meals and enjoy a wider range of healthful benefits. 

Carrots are a valuable source of antioxidants as well as a host of other nutrients. Eating them has been found to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells and even slow down signs of aging. But in addition to the orange variety, carrots can actually be found in a rainbow of colours. In fact, historically, purple, yellow and red carrots were more commonly cultivated than orange ones. More importantly, each carrot hue offers different nutritional benefits. The lycopene in red carrots protects you from cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer; lutein, the xanthophylls carotenoid in yellow carrots decreases the risk of macular degeneration in your eyes; and the anthocyanins in purple carrots are especially powerful antioxidants. 

SuperNature is one of the few places in Singapore where you can get purple carrots from Australia and rainbow carrots from the United States. Choose carrots that look firm and have smooth, unblemished skin. They should not look withered, or have discoloured or soft spots. Fresh-looking tops are a good indication of the freshness of the carrots. However, carrots are best stored refrigerated without the tops, to keep them moist. Enjoy them raw in salads, steamed then marinated, sautéed, oven-roasted or even in soups.

Organic purple and rainbow carrots are available at SuperNature Forum.